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Knowledge Base for Testers
Everything you need to know about testing for Userbrain
Article suggestions
Featured articles
6 articles
How do I get paid?
Qualification test FAQ
What do I need in order to get started?
What should I say?
Top 5 reasons why tests are declined
How do I start with my qualification test?
Qualification test
6 articles
Qualification test FAQ
How do I start with my qualification test?
Can I retake my qualification test?
What happens after I submit my qualification test?
I can't find my qualification test
Why hasn't my qualification test been reviewed yet?
Getting Started
9 articles
What do I need in order to get started?
How do I record my tests?
What is recorded?
How long should my tests be?
How do I get notified about new available tests?
How many tests can I do?
Userbrain Tester Code of Conduct
What languages can I speak during a test?
View all articles in “Getting Started”
Getting Paid
6 articles
How much will I get?
How do I get paid?
Do I have to pay taxes on my income?
Is PayPal the only way to get paid?
How long does it take to get paid?
Where can I see my payments?
Testing on Desktop
8 articles
Install Userbrain Recorder 101
What should I say?
Do I have to enter my own private email address?
Do I have to sign up on the websites you test?
What and when is the Userbrain Chrome extension recording?
macOS Catalina 10.15: Screen Recording permission
System requirements for Testing with Chome Extension
Avoid clicking on ‘Stop Sharing‘.
Mobile Testing
4 articles
How to start testing with the Userbrain iOS App
"Permission denied" dialog box shows up
Any problems with our iOS app?
Any problems with our Android app?
9 articles
I have problems with the Userbrain Chrome Extension
I got interrupted and had to cancel the recording.
I can't complete a task
I have problems with my audio
I have problems with the Userbrain iOS App
How to Pause or Discard a Test
Why can't I upload my test?
How to set your Audio or Video Permission for Mac
View all articles in “Troubleshooting”
Account Help
10 articles
I have forgotten my Userbrain email or password
I'm not receiving any tests
How do I unsubscribe from receiving emails?
I received a test notification. Why can't I see it on my dashboard?
My account has been locked
How to start testing with the Userbrain Android App
How can I change my password?
How to Resolve "Error: 401"
View all articles in “Account Help”
Getting Better
3 articles
Top 5 reasons why tests are declined
What is an invitation code?
How do I get rated and where can I see my rating?