Here at Userbrain, we take user privacy very seriously. We abide by specific data protection laws given to European Citizens, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we also apply these laws to how we handle personal information from all our testers globally.

Userbrain does not sell your personal information and only uses it for legitimate business purposes. This includes providing you with customer support or processing test compensation. Please read our privacy policy to learn more.

When you sign up as a tester on our platform, you are requested to give some personal data about yourself. This includes first and last names, country of residence, native language, year of birth, and gender. We use this information to help us connect you with appropriate tests so that you may provide relevant test feedback for our customers.

Beyond the aforementioned personal data, sometimes personal information including “sensitive personal information” may be requested by way of a screener question or during the test itself. Some examples of sensitive personal information are:

  • Medical information, such as health history or treatment
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Family information, such as civil status, providing care for elderly, children, etc

We believe that our testers should never feel uncomfortable with the amount of information you provide. Your videos are shared with our customers for their business use. Please do not reveal any information during a test that you do not want to share.

You may disregard any screener question that requests sensitive personal information. If you are completing a test and feel uncomfortable continuing, you may click the “Discard test" button at any time. Discarding a test does not prevent you from being invited to future tests, nor does it impact your tester score.

If you feel that you have leaked any sensitive personal information, please discard the test immediately, or contact us at Examples of this could include:

  • Sharing or opening the wrong screen/tab
  • Accidental background audio contains personal information

There is private information that should not be shared during a test. Information that should never be shared includes:

  • Credit card #
  • Drivers License #
  • Car Loan #
  • Personal financial account numbers
  • Passport number
  • Account passwords
  • Social Security number 
  • Specific genetic information (e.g., genetic test results)
  • Biometric identifiers (e.g., fingerprints, voice prints, iris and retina scans)
  • Health plan account or beneficiary numbers

We prohibit our customers from requesting the above information.

Sometimes our customers request testers to walk through a buying or payment process in order to test it. 

You should NEVER make a purchase with your own personal information while testing. These tests should include fake information for you to use while testing.

If the test did not include a requirement to provide valid personal information, or if you do not feel comfortable providing the requested personal information, then you may provide fake personal information during a test.

Keep in mind this guideline applies only to the disclosure of personal information that is not prohibited. You should NEVER share prohibited personal information with a customer.

You can use a fake throwaway mailing address or keep a free email account (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo etc) to use just for testing purposes. An example of a throwaway email could be Temp Mail where you can receive a verification email if you are requested to create an account somewhere.

Please also note that you may at any time Pause a recording if you need to access or view something private. By using the "Pause" button when testing, our recorder stops screen and microphone recording until you click to resume testing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Tester Support at!