Can I retake my qualification test BEFORE uploading it?
Yes, you can. After you finished your recording you'll have a chance to have a look at your video recording. If you realize that there was something wrong with your recording, you can retake the qualification test by clicking on «Discard This Test and Retry« before the final upload.
Can I retake my qualification test AFTER uploading it?
Yes, you can. Please just choose «Retake example test« and we'll delete your latest, uploaded test and you're assigned a new one. [currently on iOS only]
If our support team finds any problems with your recorded test (this can take up to 7 days), we'll send you a short feedback email. As soon as you've received the feedback email, you can retake the qualification test. Please make sure that you have fixed the issues pointed out in our feedback email before you submit your next example video.