Thank you for testing with Userbrain! If you experienced any errors within our Android app either while recording or during upload, we apologize. Our team of developers are constantly working to improve the functionality and to squash any lingering bugs. We appreciate your help in this process while we improve our app!
Please email and we will be in contact with you shortly. Please be prepared to send us some information about your Android device. This greatly helps us dial in our debugging process.
- What Android device and version do you have?
- What version number of our app do you have?
- What was the test about?
- Did you pause the test or lock your screen (manually or by being called)? If so, only once or multiple times?
- How much storage do you have left on your device? (Settings > Storage | Settings > Device Care > Storage)
Our internal development and billing departments will review your case and we will be in contact with you!
Once again, thank you for testing with us!
Team Userbrain